Love from Santa Barbara soap drying rack

Back at it with new soap and lotion

It’s been just over a month since my mom died. I stayed up in Grass Valley an extra week to help tie up loose ends, then came home with my puppy dog and tried to take it easy for awhile. My back has been giving me problems from all the lifting, rolling and so on that was required to help my mom during her last weeks of life. I’m pouring even more love into my products now. I’ve seen how they helped her and many others.

Honeysuckle Rose Soap - Love from SBSummer Solstice - Love from SBSo I’ve been soaping again and have some batches curing now. These new ones will be ready in 3 weeks or so… Honeysuckle Rose and Summer Solstice with more to come. They will make such beautiful gifts, but a few people have already told me they want them for their own use. I’m all for treating and pampering yourself with nourishing products… I certainly do!

Blue Gardenia Lotion - Love from SBAmber Aphrodite Lotion - Love from SBThe whipped body butter I was using to massage my mom’s hands, arms, legs and feet just doesn’t do well in higher temperatures that come with summer months, so I’ve started making lotion. It’s very nourishing with sweet almond oil, shea butter, apricot kernel oil, and jojoba oil. A couple days ago, made some scented with gardenia that I’m calling Blue Gardenia after the song sung by Dinah Washington, and another with amber that I’m calling Amber Aphrodite, since it’s a very sensual scent. But lotions are still in the testing stage. Not for sale just yet.

While I was up north, our second cockatiel died at about 26 years of age. He had a nice large cage that I’ve since repurposed into a soap drying area since I was running out of space. It works wonderfully and I’m very happy with the new setup!

Enjoy looking around! And if this is your first visit, welcome!

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